Saturday, April 27, 2013

Justin Bieber Found in Possession of Children's Motrin; Family Distraught.

Late Wednesday evening, Justin Bieber was found in possession of many dangerous drugs including Children's Motrin and Midol. As these drugs are not for the use of children, this story has caught the media's eye and more importantly, Justin's family.

"Nobody ever taught me what to do with these cramps. :( "
While Children's Motrin is safe for Justin and his tiny girlish figure, the concern stems that Justin was taking the Motrin without proper supervision. We had the chance to interview Justin's mother who, when finally stopped crying, told us that nobody has ever given Justin his Children's Motrin but her and that's her job as his "mommy-kins". She went on to tell us that she wishes she had taken the time out to teach her daughter son more about the changes her his body would be going through and also regrets not locking up the Midol.
If Justin was wearing his incredibly real glasses he may have been able to read the label.
We had a chance to interview a few more friends and family member's after this tragic incident and what they had to say wasn't any better. Justin's babysitter close friend admits that he has been acting "different" and has been showing signs of rebellion such as throwing tantrums. She also tells us she's heard strange noises coming from him while he's taking his mid-afternoon nap recording new songs in the studio. We only briefly had the chance to talk to Justin himself and all this reporter was able to get was, "I wish Selena's boobs weren't so small, I wouldn't have done it if they weren't so god damn small."
We wish they weren't either, Justin. We wish they weren't either.
As for Justin's punishment, he will face a long, tiring and unpleasant time out. We certainly hope he's learned his lesson from this debacle and that he sticks to his Flintstones vitamins rather than these dangerous narcotics.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

10 Ways to Make Sure Your Guy's Penis Will Want to Hide From You Forever.

Most girls in this world are batshit crazy - we know this. Everything starts out fine and two weeks into the relationship she's asking what you think about moving in together and why you don't want to have her babies. Editor's Note: This blog understands that while girls are crazy as ballz, dudes can be just as crazy and aren't completely out of the woods. While science is trying to figure out the trigger for these tuna tantrums, we still aren't close to any answers...until now. I feel, deep down in my uterus, that most girls start out totally fine until they are exposed to none other than the magazine Cosmo.

Exhibit A: See "Why Men Cheat in August" to right of Scarlett's vagina.
Editors Note: We're not complaining about Scarlett's vagina. We think it's great.
This is a perfect example of the ninja stelth ways that Cosmo penetrates the minds of young women with crazy. If a guy is going to cheat, he's going to do it whenever he pleases and more importantly, he's a dick. Yet, young women are subjected to these articles for "signs that their guy is cheating" when most of the signs are something ridiculous like, "Does your guy ever feel hungry? If so, he's probably cheating".
Exhibit B: See "The Sex Move That Brings You Closer"
Editors Note: Does the sex move involve this giant diaper she's wearing?
Cosmo is wildly known for it's "helpful" sex tips that are provided in each issue. But here's the kicker ladies, guys don't want you to stick your finger in their butthole. Well, some might, I suppose I can't speak for all dudes and their buttholes. The sex move that brings you closer is called having sex. The person is literally INSIDE you. Nobody's inside you except you, except for when you're having sex. Maybe just start putting out for you man and see if that helps. Then he won't cheat in August.
Exhibit C. I digress.
For the ladies that are reading, I'm not saying that if you read Cosmo, you're a psychotic B who will present guys with ultimatums, make them quit talking to their girl friends or tell them you want to get married after a month. I'm just saying to be careful and process the information before you choose to use it. I know Cosmo is the devil with a vagina a great magazine, just use it wisely. And don't take everything seriously in it because remember, there is a difference between the magazine and real life...
Magazine Life
 "Look at me ladies, follow these tips"
Real Life
"Donnnn't look at memndsan, bluurrgghhhhhh"