Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Holocaust Lonely, Wishes More People Would Talk About Him

The holocaust is a grim subject that nobody genuinely enjoys talking about; we often shy away from the subject, make sad faces and furrow our brows. We don’t bring the topic up because we’re afraid of being offensive or insensitive and collectively stay away from the topic of gas showers. But, have we ever given any thought to how that makes the holocaust feel? How sad it might be? How many people it wishes would just talk about it so it has some social interaction?


We had a chance to sit down and interview the holocaust last week who was very shaken up and said that he just wishes people would talk about him so he wouldn’t feel so alone. “I understand I’m offensive, but even offensive things need social interaction. The only people that will say anything are those selfish, hippie history books. God damnit, won’t somebody just TALK ABOUT ME?!” Clearly, holocaust was upset. Holocaust went on to say that he tried to make a Facebook page but it was quickly deactivated within an hour; someone had allegedly flagged and reported the page as inappropriate with the description of the page as “Too Soon”. “I’ll tell you who it was…” holocaust outwardly raged, “…that Anne Frank!”

Holocaust also attempted to make a Twitter page but upon his first tweet of, “The start of something jew!” was quickly rejected by @Germany who tweeted “STFU, Holocaust 1941, nobody wants to talk about it!”

After our interview, we had the opportunity to meet holocaust’s mom who told us that she just wants the best for her son and wishes more people would take the time out to talk about him so he doesn’t feel so left out. “I said to mah son, I said, get friends. You want to end up in this crack pot old house for an eternity of sweeping out chimneys?” We didn’t understand the correlation either but one thing is clear, this mom cares. Holocaust was thankful we took the time out to talk to him and about him and ended our time together by saying, "You know, everyday people wish that people would stay out of their business and not talk about them. But, here I am, wishing somebdoy would talk about me. I'll even take rumors or gossip, anything!" We sort of understand holocaust, we sort of do.

Disclaimer: This blogger does not think the holocaust was in any way cool and has many Jewish friends. This blog is just a silly way to shine light on dark things. Please don’t hurt me.